Kia hora tōna tōmairangi ki runga i te mata o te whenua, kia tau he whakaaro pai ki a tātou katoa, ngā tuākana, ngā teina e noho tahi ana i runga i te whakaaro kotahi. E tangihia tonutia te ngākau ki te hunga kua riro ki tua o te ārai, ngā tūpuna e whanga mai ana i te pō. He kura i tangihia, he maimai aroha ki a rātou katoa. Ka āpiti hono, tātai hono, te hunga mate ki te hunga mate, ka āpiti hono, tātai hono te hunga ora ki te hunga ora.
Ka tāhuri te whakaaro ki a tātou e takatū ana i te mata o te whenua, e aku nui, e aku rahi tēnā koutou katoa. Nei te mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa e kaha tautoko ana i tō tātou kura, nō mātou te whiwhi, te māringanui.
As Tumuaki of Te Kura Māori o Porirua it is my privilege to work with confident students, dedicated staff, a motivated Board of Trustees’ and passionate whānau whānui.
This vision of “he kura te tangata” is all inclusive and reinforces the ideal that the learning journey is ongoing, so collectively, we’re all committed to succeeding on our chosen learning pathway.
Essentially, at our kura everyone works together to identify, ignite and nurture the passion for learning. E hoa mā he nui te kai ki tō tātou kura, me he matekai koutou haere mai!
Nāku me aku mihi maioha